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Related to clarificatory: stand pat, call on, resubmit, stationed, allows for


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70 which institutionalizes the 'Whole-Of-Nation' Approach in addressing the communist insurgency, as well as the signing of the Clarificatory Implementing Agreement between the Philippine Government and the Rebolusyonaryong Partidong Manggagawa ng Pilipinas/Revolutionary Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao Brigade-Tabara Paduano Group.
cases should be brought along during the scheduled clarificatory hearing," the notice read.
However, even in their clarificatory statement, they stated that they 'might' store an uploaded photo in the cloud and explained that the main reason for that is "performance and traffic".
'We are still waiting for the clarificatory letter from BIR, which we requested as our basis for partially amending our existing AEP guidelines,' Tutay told the BusinessMirror in an SMS.
He said that any correspondence, clarificatory or otherwise, had to be between the executive and the Supreme Court.
Despite clarificatory regulations passed in 2010 designed to further protect the benefits accruing to foreign investors to the asset underlying the swap arrangement, swaps never attracted the level of investment the CMA hoped for, mainly because they were seen to be time-consuming to implement and gave no underlying shareholder rights.
"The circular issued by the Home Ministry is a clarificatory note...
"I would like to confirm that clarificatory amendments do not override the provisions of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) which India has with 82 countries.
Organizing her chapters around Wittgenstein's "great problem" of how a proposition expresses its sense, and setting herself the task of showing that his project is essentially a "clarificatory" one, McGinn examines his critique of Frege and Russell's view that quantifiers and truth-functional connectives represent functions, his rejection of the closely related view that the laws of logic are universal truths, his distinction between meaningful propositions and tautologies and contradictions, and his rejection of Russell's view that the first-person pronoun refers to an object.
While many of the changes are clarificatory in nature, other changes, including those key ones driven by the EFPIA Codes, may require considerable resource to be put in place.
The same is true of her clarificatory references to Scandinavian literature that is likely to strike many a contemporary English-language reader as obscure, and to Greek mythology.