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And having a President who is clearly too ill to govern--irrespective of the fact that he had been liked and respected by the masses for what he did historically --has been a step too far for Algerians, whose protests have been notable for their civism and pacifism.
"Bahrain has been and will remain a generous country, and our people the embodiment of community awareness and civism. We have full confidence in our people to keep moving forward with dedicated action in the service of the nation and its progress," HRH Prince Khalifa said as he received Royal Family members and officials, and discussed with them issues of national interest.
At the same time, civism did not correlate with labour productivity in their analysis.
Nombre de chantiers sont ouverts et il est impAaAaAeA@ratif de s'y atteler avec ardeur et civism y compris notre intAaAaAeA@gritAaAaAeA@ territoriale, plus que jamais proche d dAaAaAeA@livrance et dont le salut ne viendra que par le renforcement de not front interne.
More and more, the citizen should take their own social lesson of civism and do a better contribution to eliminate some of the hidden dangers linked to the national security policies and put the country there where it really deserve to be.
They developed the scale called Scale of Civism in Organizations (Escala de Civismo nas Organizacoes--ECO)--SCO, composed of 41 items and the same dimensions proposed by Katz and Kahn (1978).
To enhance the comprehensive quality of media staff, not only in terms of professional qualities, but also in the political, ideological, moral and civism aspects.
George Frederickson called the alarm by decreeing 'Something is wrong!' He called for the recovery of civism in public administration and points out that '...
The interest in life trivial problems served to the elaboration of a popular civism, with labor and methodical traits, which aimed at providing means of education and social preservation.
They should reject privatizing and consumerist civism as ahistorical fads and ask communally-rooted questions about balancing democratic localism with commitments to disseminating accurate information, inculcating reason and tolerance, and promoting the common weal.
This campaign, to last from January 8 to 16, has become an opportunity for all Moroccans to renew their commitment to the values of civism and patriotism, through their contribution to the actions and projects carried out by the Foundation for needy people in the different regions of the Kingdom.