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(Placename) the former name for Sintra
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Elsewhere in the town another 16 caravans have been camped in Cintra Park for a week.
This is a postcard which was franked at Broseley on August 21, 1908, (or possibly 1905 - the franking mark is indistinct.) It was addressed to Miss Cetti, of Cintra House, 71 Eastborough, Scarborough.
Rodrigo Cintra struck up a friendship with the male pupil and sent him texts referring to sex acts.
Rodrigo Cintra drank alcohol with the boy, went to nightclubs with him and allowed him to stay overnight at his home.
Gateshead-based Cintra HR & Payroll Services has been recognised in the prestigious Global Payroll Awards, held in Budapest, Hungary, an annual event which is the only ceremony in the world for professionals involved in international payroll.
The SH 130 Concession Company was originally a joint venture of Cintra, a Spanish company that oversees several other Texas toll roads, and San Antonio-based Zachry American Infrastructure.
18 February 2016 - UK-based interpreting service Cintra Translation has purchased UK-based translation agency First Edition Translation, the company said.
Newcomers to Cintra Wilson's unique brand of comic and style observation will find her approach sassy, bright, and refreshingly different.
RUNNER-UP CINTRA HR & PAYROLL CINTRA have supported St Oswald's Hospice in a variety of ways since 2012 when they took part in a Bag It campaign and encouraged staff to donate unwanted items to be sold in one of our 26 charity shops.