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Noun1.Ciconiiformes - order of chiefly tropical marsh-dwelling fish-eating wading birds with long legs and bills and (except for flamingos) unwebbed feet: herons; storks; spoonbills; flamingos; ibises
animal order - the order of animals
Aves, class Aves - (ornithology) the class of birds
Ardeidae, family Ardeidae - herons; egrets; night herons; bitterns
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References in periodicals archive ?
Rostratulidae contained only one species that belonged to order Ciconiiformes. Charadriiformes included Burhinidae (1 sp.), Recurvirostridae (1 sp.) and Charadriidae (2 spp.).
Contribution a I'anatomie et a la systematique de base des Ciconiiformes (Parker 1868).
Birds included in the study comprised 15 species in the orders Passeriformes, Psittaciformes, Coliiformes, Columbiformes, Coraciiformes, and Ciconiiformes. A wide range of clinical manifestations were documented, including neurologic disorders, ocular manifestations, and gastrointestinal signs.
Ciconiiformes: Mycteria americana "manchaco", habita en la Amazonia y en el norte del Peru; fue registrada una sola vez en los pantanos.
Factors affecting reproductive success of wading birds (Ciconiiformes) in the Everglades ecosystem, p.
Si bien la mayoria de los registros corresponden a mamiferos, en menor medida se reportan otros vertebrados como aves (Rheiformes, Ciconiiformes, Suliformes), reptiles (Chelonia, Squamata) y peces (Siluriformes, Characiformes) en los mismos sedimentos portadores, resultando ser un complemento de utilidad indispensable para inferir esquemas y modelos de evolucion y recambio faunistico en la region.
In our study, the common carotid artery gave off the vertebral trunk in the sparrowhawk as in the long-legged buzzard (Erdogan & Kilinc), the Eurasian bittern (Erdogan) and some bird families such as Coliiformes (Glenny, 1944), Gaviiformes (Glenny, 1945), Charadriiformes (Glenny, 1947), Caprimulgiformes (Glenny, 1953a) and Ciconiiformes (Glenny, 1953b).
(1994) proposed the shorebird ichnofacies, which comprises ichnocoenoses of shorebirds attributable to Charadriiformes, Anseriiformes and Ciconiiformes. Gibert and Saez (2009) considered the shorebird ichnofacies to be a subset of the Scoyenia ichnofacies (an ichnosubfacies sensu Melchor et al., 2006) that characterizes the subaerial part of low-energy shore areas.