churn away


w>churn away

visich wild drehen; (engine)stampfen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
An advocate who helps developers use cloud products, Iwao used more than two dozen virtual machines to churn away at the calculation, which took about 121 days to complete.
North America and Europe collectively generated more than half of the total polymer nanocomposites market revenue in 2015; however, Asia Pacific and LAMEA shall collectively churn away about 2% of the revenue by 2022.
to churn away from one element of the brand, as he/she loses access to content
Descending to the final kitchen, the smell of sugar sweetens at the sub-two level, where, like in childhood dreams of candy-filled lands, vats of melted chocolate bubble while crisp, buttery croissants cool on metal racks and eight industrial ice cream makers churn away.
While some people work on their downward-facing dogs at yoga class, the on-demand economy will churn away in 2014, said the ninth annual JWT report.
I used frozen meat for burgers, and found that it minced very well - the pieces had to be cut to less than an inch thick, and it is essential to pause for a second or two, to let the grinder churn away inside before adding a new piece.
They were generally first introduced by lower-tier operators that welcomed the additional traffic on their network and the investment that a third party was making in order to cause subscribers to churn away from the more-dominant operators.
The straight-sets battering he received at the masterly hands of Nadal will hurt and churn away inside for at least another 12 months until he gets another opportunity to tame him.
"You churn away a little bit when you should be relaxing.
Like you sort of churn away a little bit when you should be relaxing.