

n.1.The office of a churchwarden.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The sequence of collector in one year followed by churchwardenship in the following was maintained, but there was no formal interval between serving as churchwarden and as bridgemaster.
If we examine men who had held the churchwardenship, we discover that just over fifty continued to serve in a lesser office (that is as assessor for the poor or one of the lower offices, but excluding the bridgemastership).
Blower, Clarke, Fowler, and Woolley held only the bridgemastership, but Barfote and Godwyne both bridgemastership and churchwardenship.
He was also involved in Presbyterian politics in the city and was at various times a candidate for the churchwardenship of the Anglican parish of St.