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a person who stands in a public place and solicits donations for a charitable organization; a blend of the words charity and mugger
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree

chug 1

A dull explosive sound, usually short and repeated, made by or as if by a laboring engine.
intr.v. chugged, chug·ging, chugs
1. To make dull explosive sounds.
2. To move or travel while making dull explosive sounds.


chug′ger n.

chug 2

v. chugged, chug·ging, chugs Slang
To swallow (a liquid) in one continuous action: chugged beer; chugged a beer; chugged a can of beer.
To swallow liquid, such as beer, without pausing.
A large swig of liquid: a chug of beer.

[From chug(alug).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


informal a charity worker who approaches people in the street to ask for financial support for the charity, esp regular support by direct debit
[C21: ch(arity) + (m)ugger]
ˈchugging n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
So it came as no surprise when I was stopped by a chugger while walking down Cardiff's Queen Street.
Beer Chugger: Bill "The Fox" Foster; Juggy Dance Squad: Za'kari Asher, Angelique Gorges, Vanessa Kay, Patti Kim, Sharron Leigh, Jennifer Strovas, Suzanne Talhouk.
If you're from the town and not familiar with the term chugger, you may be one of the lucky ones that aren't approached daily by people looking for personal details or a subscription of some kind.
Bigger baits are better "Primarily, for trolling baits, dolphin like big baits, fast baits, chugger baits, a skirted combo.
An example is given of how one chugger confessed her technique to stop people was to "confuse" them by falsely telling them they had dropped something.
"Okay, I completely get why people don't like being approached by 'chuggers',' but can I just give the other side of the story - I spent last summer working as a chugger, and this is my view on the matter.
So it was time to end the National Geo moment, go to work and either man a live bait rod in the cockpit or get on the bow ready to cast a chugger.
Any contribution you make to such charities will have to be repeated over several months or years before the cost of employing the chugger is met.
Other words included in this latest edition include chugger (defined as a charity worker who approaches people in the street in an attempt to solicit regular donations) and rate tart (a person who frequently moves money between different savings accounts in order to take advantage of the most favourable rates of interest).
Fundraisers seem to think that the best way to get us to donate is either to get us to do something "crazee" or set the the "chugger" or charity mugger on you.