
Also found in: Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
v. t.1.To champ; to bite.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Chud, who hails from Davao City and bested nine other songwriters in the contest's grand finals last year, said it was a deliberate decision to juxtapose a popular playtime song with grim social realities.
Genetic trend has been used in studies on several breeds as a statistical resource that allows monitoring the efficiency of selection procedures over time, for different traits (Chud et al., 2014; Holanda, Barbosa, Ribeiro, & Santoro, 2004; Laureano et al., 2011; Plasse et al., 2002).
CHUD FESTEJO of 'Nanay Tatay (Photo by Ted Orsenad)
Bernhard, J., Lefebvre, M., Kilbride, K., Chud, G., & Lange, R.
They buy inexpensive rural lots for about $20 and make payments of $40 a month and set up permanent homes (The Colonias Program;
The DGA is aware of the challenges facing Baalbeck, and Salloum says that since 2011, the temple of Baalbeck and its surroundings have been undergoing a conservation and rehabilitation project funded by the World Bank entitled Cultural Heritage Urban Development (CHUD), whose goal is to allow people to benefit from the touristic area in their city.
A 2005 World Development study, "Trade Openness, Foreign Direct Investment and Chud Labor," by Eric Neumayer of the London School of Economics and Indra de Soysa of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, looked at the effects of trade openness and globalization on child labor in poor countries.
WARDINGHAM MARLENE Much loved friend of Chud. We go back a long way, lovely memories.
Authors would like to thank to Boston Society of Architects (BSA) and to ASHRAE for research grants and to the Center for Housing and Urban Development (CHUD) of the Texas A&M University for its logistics support.