Chubb lock

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Related to Chubb lock: Yale lock, Mortice lock

Chubb lock®

n (Brit) → Sicherheitsschloss nt
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||It was down south for NW's What I saw out of my bedroom window on an almost nightly basis would have made even the most hardened soul claw sweatily at the Chubb lock on the front door - it was also the kind of place where you couldn't shut your windows without trapping some thieving swine's fingers.
| It was grim down south for NW's Leah What I saw out of my bedroom window on an almost nightly basis would have made even the most hardened soul claw sweatily at the Chubb lock on the front door - it was also the kind of place where you couldn't shut your windows without trapping some thieving swine's fingers.
SecurEnvoy offer SMS passcodes, the equivalent to a chubb lock, so only you can access all your important information, so it remains secure from prying eyes.
Engineer Isambard Kingdon Brunel, Jeremiah Chubb, inventor of the Chubb lock, Charles Dickens, Peter Sellers, Brian Howe, vocalist with Bad Company, former Playboy Playmate Marilyn Cole (pictured), who married Hugh Heffner in 1984, and, err, Helen Duncan, who was the last woman to be charged and tried for witchcraft in the UK.
Robin Hankey returned to Warsaw as Charge d'Affaires in 1945, he immediately went to the strong room and operated the combination he had set in 1939; the Chubb lock functioned perfectly, but the room was empty.
Developers and city council leaders and planning officials were set to gather this afternoon at Wolverhampton's Lighthouse centre, in the former Chubb Lock works near the bus station, to unveil the project in more detail.
Ideally the front door should have a deadlock and a secure chubb lock. Do not rely on one lock for the back door, install bolts on the inside.
best entertainment Eurovision: Your Country Needs You (BBC One Wales, Friday, 8.30pm) IT'S been known to get even the most chronic agoraphobe clawing desperately at the Chubb lock on the front door to escape the prospect of an entire evening's Euro pop cheese.
Security Products UK, which owns the Union, Yale and Chubb lock brands, said it hoped to spread the job losses over the next 21 months.
I have already booked my trip to Finland and the charming hotel receptionist Olga assures me that there's a Chubb lock on the mini- bar in Roddy Grant's bedroom, and the night porter has photo-fit pictures of George O'Boyle in case the towels go missing.
Security Products UK, which owns the Union, Yale and Chubb lock brands, is confident that the majority of the job losses will be met by voluntary redundancies.