chronic gastritis

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Noun1.chronic gastritis - persistent gastritis can be a symptom of a gastric ulcer or pernicious anemia or stomach cancer or other disorders
gastritis - inflammation of the lining of the stomach; nausea and loss of appetite and discomfort after eating
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A total of 42 GC surrounding premalignant tissues (24 chronic gastritis and 18 intestinal metaplasia [IM]) and 74 cancer tissues (48 i-GC and 26 d-GC) were examined in this study.
As a final point, it is important to note that K-ras mutations have been detected in patients with ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease (11,12), and Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis (13).
Some people with chronic gastritis have an infection caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.
In a large single-center study in Thailand, the incidence of colorectal polyps was 30.6%, as determined by screening colonoscopy; however, there is no report on screening colonoscopy in patients with chronic gastritis (11).
Pylori infection plays an important role in cellular proliferation and gastric mucosal damage, the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines in people with chronic gastritis may be an important clinical implication in gastric carcinogenesis.
pylori) [1], chronic gastritis has attracted attention not only for its symptoms but also as a precursor lesion for gastric cancer.
None of the cases showed evidence of Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis in their accompanying gastric tissues.
Campylobacter pylori and chronic gastritis. In: Rathbone BJ, Heathey RV, eds.
GC is preceded by a cascade of precancerous lesions (Correa cascade), which are non-atrophic chronic gastritis, chronic AG, IM, and finally dysplasia (3, 17).
Today, the most common cause of chronic gastritis is infection with Helicobacter pylori (H.
Gastric antral biopsies performed at that time showed nonspecific changes of chronic gastritis and slight fibromuscular hyperplasia of the lamina propria.

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