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(Animals) zoology a technical name for a cartilaginous fish
[New Latin, from Greek khondros grain, cartilage + ikhthus fish]
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Chondrichthyan fauna of the Frasnian--Famennian boundary beds in Poland.
New thelodont (Agnatha) and possible chondrichthyan (Gnathostomata) taxa established in the Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Musick (eds) Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras: The Status of the Chondrichthyan Fishes: 332-333.
Abu Dhabi: The Arabian Sea and adjacent waters are home to some of the most threatened chondrichthyan fish (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) populations in the world, according to a study.
New specimens and records of chondrichthyan fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) off the Mexican Pacific coast.
Cailliet GM, Smith WD, Mollet HF, KJ Goldman (2006) Age and growth studies of chondrichthyan fishes: the need for consistency in terminology, verification, validation, and growth function fitting.
The chondrichthyan fish Isurus is represented by two teeth with crown heights of 19 and 26 mm, without serrations, slightly slanted, with well-preserved U-shaped roots (Fig.
CUADRO 1 Composicion taxonomica de los grupos de Condrictios reportados en Mexico y en sus litorales TABLE 1 Taxonomic composition of the chondrichthyan groups from Mexico and within each region Ordenes Familias Generos Especies Quimeras 1 2 3 8 Tiburones 8 24 48 111 Rayas 5 14 33 95 Total 14 40 84 214 Atlantico 13 35 59 118 Pacifico 14 37 62 120 Ambos litorales 7 12 15 24 Total 14 40 84 214
Special issue: Age and growth of chondrichthyan fishes: New methods, techniques and analysis.