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abbreviation for
(Surgery) Master of Surgery
[Latin Chirurgiae Magister]
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Hydatidiform moles include 2 varieties: the complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) and the partial hydatidiform mole (PHM).
Officials from the CBD conducted capacity-building activities to develop the faculty of countries from Asia who are interested in setting up a national CHM, or enhance the existing ones.
The CHM expert working group on hormone pregnancy tests (HPT) said the scientific evidence does "not support a causal association" between the use of HPTs such as Primodos, and birth defects or miscarriage.
In May 2013, however, CHM was reported to have accumulated by end-2012 a total debt of $4.3bn.
Childhood night blindness is one of the earliest effects of CHM. There is currently no known cure for choroideremia, though FDA clinical trials have begun.
Among the remaining 81,487 participants, 14,878 were excluded because responses were missing for one or more of the 12 BRFSS questions used to calculate the CHM score.
Si se tiene en cuenta que el exito de la terapia endodontica depende en gran medida del tamano de la interfase entre el cemento sellador y la dentina era necesario probar esta caracteristica para la tecnica modificada de CHM. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la interfase cemento sellador-dentina a diversas distancias del apice radicular cuando se obturan los conductos con la tecnica de CHM y la tecnica de CL.
Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs) genotyping was performed for 30 cases in two groups of CHM (n=21) and PHM (n=9), with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of 2 different polymorphic loci, namely the Col2A1 and D1580.
Choroideremia is an X-linked disorder, which means that it is caused by a faulty gene, called CHM, on the X chromosome.