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Noun1.Chloranthaceae - small family of tropical herbs and shrubs and trees
dicot family, magnoliopsid family - family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
order Piperales, Piperales - Piperaceae; Saururaceae; Chloranthaceae
Chloranthus, genus Chloranthus - type genus of the Chloranthaceae
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References in periodicals archive ?
Chloranthaceae is a family with many "primitive" characters that has protracted wood juvenilism.
Chemical composition of the essential oil of the leaves of Hedyosmum luteynii Todzia (Chloranthaceae)
(mainly primary forest) is dominated by Quercus oocarpa (Fagaceae), Matudaea trinervia (Hamamelidaceae), Hedyosmum mexicanum (Chloranthaceae) and Dendropanax populifolius (Araliaceae), with understory species of Araliaceae, Melastomataceae, Piperaceae and Saurauriaceae (Long and Heath, 1991).
En Colombia se han desarrollado estudios que describen la composicion floristica y la estructura de bosques alto andinos de la cordillera central, en los que las familias Cunoniaceae, Melastomataceae, Chloranthaceae y Clusiaceae son las mas representativas (ALVEAR et al., 2010; BOHORQUEZ et al., 2012; CLEEF et al., 1983; GENTRY, 1993; RANGEL & VELASQUEZ, 1997; SARMIENTO et al., 2013).
Chloranthaceae, a basal angiosperm taxon, is composed of approximately 65-75 extant species giving rise to medical herbs, most of which have antitumor-associated usage (Hristova et al.
Mizutani, "Isolation and structural elucidation of four sesquiterpenes from Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae)," Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, vol.
These include Aristolochiaceae (twining lianas), Chloranthaceae, Hernandiaceae, and Piperaceae.
Este tipo de coexistencia entre el jaguar y el oso andino queda demostrada en el bosque premontano bajo, donde el primero se registra hasta los 1500 msnm (Peyton 1999) y donde el oso andino presenta una explotacion mas frecuente que en el BTA, debido a que esta es un area de transicion donde se empiezan a encontrar frutos de las familias Chloranthaceae, Clusiaceae, Ericaceae y Myrtaceae, abundantes en el bosque montano, de los cuales se alimenta.
Catalogo sistematico dos polens das plantas arboreas do Brasil Meridional--XX Chloranthaceae e Piperaceae.MemoriasdoInstitutoOswaldoCruz,v.