chinless wonder

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chinless wonder

informal Brit a person, esp an upper-class one, lacking strength of character
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Or he can be a good for nothing, chinless wonder who slopes off to the slopes whenever he fancies.
Hunt is trying to prove that while he may look like the classic upper-class "chinless wonder", actually he's a tough guy.
So I'm in the dressing room, getting changed when the organiser comes in, he was your typical chinless wonder, all floppy hair and bad teeth, but he seemed a good lad and very happy to see me.
Why is it politically incorrect, even criminal, for the lower orders to bawl racist epithets and hint that adversaries' mothers were of easy virtue, while nobody remonstrates with the same classes for labelling David Cameron as "Posh Boy" (unable to understand poverty's pinch), a useless Upper Class Twit (because he went to Eton and Oxford and employs a good tailor) and Chinless Wonder (because he was born to a wealthy background).
At school she had been nicknamed 'Puffin' and 'Chinless Wonder' because of her receding chin.
Graced with Doug MacFarlane's much-despised middle-name, the chinless wonder was in fact the Canadian Army's ambassador-at-large.
Clearly, we need the BBC to replace Packham with some waxjacketed chinless wonder.
Sir Evelyn, the archetypal chinless wonder in Anything Goes, is a very precious stage fathead.
Don't let the double-barrelled moniker fool you - Angus is no chinless wonder, he's a sound guy with a superb knowledege of our racing.
If you do risk entering the chinless wonder zone, the meteorological conditions are no better than anywhere else.
Meanwhile, chinless wonder Ian gets jealous when Jane chats to Dennis.
If I'd been brought up alongside the spoilt, chinless wonder that is Mark Thatcher, I'd have put him in a sack and dropped him in a river.