Chinese burn

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Chinese burn

a minor torture inflicted by twisting the skin of a person's wrist or arm in two different directions simultaneously
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Think Chinese burn, but longer, and with a right vicious sting at the knee cap.
Give a bouncer a Chinese burn. Subscribe to your YouTube channel.
TRY THIS IF YOU LIKEDUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Gilmore Girls, Mad Men (all Netflix) CHINESE BURN BBC3 From Mon Sweet, submissive, virginal, and skilled at maths and ping pong that's the stereotypical view of Chinese women, according to the opening scene of this adult comedy.
Chinese Burn BBC3, from Mon The latest entry in the channel's Comedy Slices season aims to shatter every Chinese stereotype you care to mention.
There are problems as the changes upset Joe's routine, but there's also comedy from no-nonsense granddad Maurice (Christopher Eccleston) - "They settled me into school with a Chinese burn and a dead leg".
the There are problems as the changes upset Joe's routine, but there's also comedy from no-nonsense grandad Maurice (Christopher Eccleston) - "They settled me into school with a Chinese burn and a dead leg."
CHINESE BURN: Doug's charity-trek group reach the Jinshanling section TIME OUT: Walkers have a much-needed rest and, left, the beauty of the Juyongguan Pass WONDER: Jinshanling section of the Wall
The 20-year-old was left with a stinging red mark "like a Chinese burn" where it touched his upper arm but was otherwise unhurt.
A couple of meetings and one Chinese burn later and Rooney had signed a contract pledging him to Old Trafford until he will almost be as old as some of the women he is reported to have slept with.
January being, as it is, a veritable four-week Chinese burn to the conscience, demanding you get in shape.
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