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1. (Commerce) China and India considered together in economic and strategic terms
2. (Placename) China and India considered together in economic and strategic terms
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The last two editions of Chindia TMT Dialogue held in Delhi and Beijing have had witnessed participation of over 1,500 delegates.
A term coined by an Indian politician Chindia" gives hopes to some rapprochement between both countries.
Particularly compelling chapters include "Chindia: Why Your Future Is Tied to China and India," "Denial: Problem?
Not only India and China now led by men that have spelled out so ambitious reform agenda, removing red tapes and firing slow civil servant golfers, but so in Japan, with Abenomics ticking away back ground too "whilst the challenges and macro structure of China and India are different, if both leaderships deliver a long awaited reforms, the resurrection of the "Chindia" re-construct may provide a surprisingly compelling boost to the emerging markets story, at just the point when many in the markets have dismissed the opportunity.
However, as a counterbalance to such a gloomy perspective, "Chindia" (China and India taken together) is currently accumulating vast wealth as a result of globalization, wealth that could potentially be redirected for the support of their elderly populations.
The small lake Chindia, located in the Chindia Park (Targoviste) is used for boating and fishing during the summer and for skating during the winter.
Commentators talked of "Chindia," elevating India's performance to that of its northern neighbour.