

(Architecture) resembling a chimney
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Peter Cole, who works in an adjacent factory unit, said: "We were evacuated together at about half past two after being made aware of two big plumes of smoke coming from the vents - chimneylike things on top of the building.
Stone veneer forms a chimneylike background for the flames, creating a classic focal point for this true outdoor living room.
As they munch on noxious chemicals bubbling from the seafloor, these critters create electrical currents that flow through the walls of the chimneylike structures they inhabit.
The sulfide-rich water jets create chimneylike structures around each superheated plume, supporting a rich ecosystem of hyperthermophiles (the environment can be about 230 degrees Fahrenheit) that survive on chemosynthesis (converting sulfides into energy).
Minerals precipitating from fluids coming out of hydrothermal vents can create chimneylike structures jutting out of the seafloor.
Hydrothermal vents can form chimneylike structures known as "black smokers," where the water temperature can top 700 degrees.
A roll-off roof that opens the whole room to the sky provides quicker cooling and better seeing than a dome with its chimneylike slit.
Also included is a section on how best to accommodate these beneficial birds--their diet includes mosquitoes, flies, and termites--in your chimney or a chimneylike birdhouse.