Children's Panel

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Children's Panel

(Social Welfare) (in Scotland) a group of representatives of relevant agencies, with the power to deal with a child under sixteen who is in criminal or family trouble. Its hearings are private and replace most of the functions of juvenile courts
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There's still time for Renfrewshire adults to become some of the 500 new volunteer Children's Panel members needed.
People in the north-east are being encouraged to volunteer for the Children's Panel.
Local residents are being asked to consider volunteering as members of the Children's Panel. New members are wanted in North Lanarkshire to take part in training and then sit on three hearings every two months.
Monklands volunteers are wanted to join the children's panel in North Lanarkshire.
A man who spent more than a decade in care has called for young people to sign up as Children's Panel volunteers.
A report will be sent to the Reporter to the Children's Panel."
Members of the Children's Panel are recognised experts in the field of children's law.
A PERVERT Children's Panel chairman who abused boys he should have been helping was jailed for 12 years yesterday.
They included Huyton father Daniel Swift, who said: "I was really nervous facing the children's panel, but I think the whole experience has made a difference to me."
Mr Woodward and Mr Lewis are founder members of the Law Society's specialist family panel and children's panel.
They were removed following a meeting of the Children's Panel in Dundee.
Yesterday, just a few hours after the baby was seized, a Children's Panel decided to take all the children into care.

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