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(Biography) 1st Viscount title of Frederick Alexander Lindemann (ˈlɪndəmən). 1886–1957, British physicist, born in Germany, noted for his research on heat capacity, aeronautics, and atomic physics. He was scientific adviser to Winston Churchill during World War II
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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today announced the integration of their Frontline.Cloud[TM] vulnerability management and threat assessment platform with the Cherwell IT Service Management (ITSM) platform.
Town Square was appointed by Cherwell District Council to operate the new Perch Eco Business Centre in Bicester, in what will be a first-of-its-kind eco commercial building.
GSI said with this union, clients have access to a comprehensive mix of ITSM solutions and services in the industry, bringing complementary IT Service Management solutions and services related to ServiceNow, BMC, Salesforce, Cherwell and more to the company.
The Cherwell Centre, in Heywood, received praised for its caring and effective approach by the Care Quality Commission following its first inspection since 2015.
An Oxford MP has condemned the Dubai government's promotion of an Oxford University research centre, after Cherwell, Oxford's independent student newspaper, revealed that it did not, in fact, exist.
A driver who passed the scene said he could see about 30 emergency vehicles at the incident near Cherwell Valley services.
To help engineers and scientists find out more about keeping cleanrooms sterile, Cherwell Laboratories has published its "The pharmaceutical lab's pocket guide to cleanroom decontamination".
A deftly crafted novel by a master of the mystery genre, this large print edition of "Death On The Cherwell" is absorbingly entertaining from cover to cover, and highly recommended, especially for community library Mystery/Suspense collections.
Walkers included WasteAid co-founder Mike Webster, former vice chair of the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee for Cherwell Council, Sally Talbot, and Cherwell district council recycling officer Andrew Jenkins - who completed the mammoth trek with a 240-litre wheelie bin strapped to his back.
The claims about Gove were made in an article in Oxford student newspaper Cherwell in January 1988, which is doing the rounds on social media.
Her words was published in student newspaper Cherwell and prompted the launch of the #NotGuilty campaign for victims.