check list

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check list

1. a list of items, facts, names, etc, to be checked or referred to for comparison, identification, or verification
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN), a non-government organization has offered the commission to train its observers according to NCSW checklist while Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) would also follow the same check list for its team, she told APP.
He said after developing SoPs or check list, local administration should ensure continuous monitoring of hotels and restaurants in order to promote a culture hygienic conditions in hotels and restaurants.
The check list revision coincides with an update of the NRMCA Plant Inspector's Guide, which describes in more detail the intent of each certification target item and provides appropriate images and numerical examples.
The book's introduction outlines its goals, and the "Detailed Check List for the Low Register" that follows is a terrific summary of the physical aspects of playing in that range.
For a nominal fee, $25 to $60 encountered during this case, the city will provide detailed information or the entire stale-dated check list to any requester.
However, the check list is simply intended to aid the building control officers in the speed of their interpretation of the calculations received.
Therefore, Check List was created in order to fill the gap by publishing such important inventories.
The booklet contains a pullout buyers' check list and the websites of organisations to check.
Several commanders asked Plevell for a "Commander's Check List," of required actions.
* Create, then translate, your recovery process into a check list. Each team should organize their recovery process into a check list, itemizing what must be done over the period of recovery.
* If there is a very large acquisition, the CEO personally should play a significant pre- and post-closing cultural and leadership role, even if there is a strong GE or Cisco-type integration team and integration check list.
Many issues include an 8 1/2 x 11" "mini-chart" suitable for posting; subjects include tips for campus visits, the relationship between highest level of education completed and annual income, and a pre-college check list.