chartered club

Related to chartered club: income tax

chartered club

NZ a private club licensed to serve alcohol to members
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Standard chartered club Shifnal, who had former England goalkeeper Rachel Brown-Finnis as their celebrity boss in the north east, also gained revenge on their opposition - who were made up of Solihull and Stourbridge Ladies - after they were just pipped to the post in the initial regional round at Molineux.
They are a FA Chartered Club and are keen to promote their community by providing children and young persons with a opportunity to develop themselves and to work in a team environment.
KINGSTHORNE Junior Football Club who are a newly FA chartered club who are based in Halewood, are seeking girls in Years 5 and 6 to join a newly-started girls team.
"The club is in the ideal position to be taken through the FA Chartered Club route with a successful side reserve and plenty of junior teams in the area which could be brought under the umbrella of the Terriers."
A KEEPER is reguired by Rainhill Rockets, an FA Chartered club, for their under-15s in the Rainhill & St Helens League.
This community also has many Chartered Clubs which helps new residents plug in and meet their neighbors.
At the same time, community gambling through gaming machines in chartered clubs and those owned by non-commercial associations in pubs continues to be disciplined and disadvantaged vis-a-vis casinos and the TAB.
Thus, the state-owned TAB has sited its agencies alongside gaming machines owned by non-commercial associations in pubs and in chartered clubs and sports clubs since 1993.
The Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Oldtimers' Association is one of Edmonton's oldest chartered clubs. It was founded in 1894 by a group of 36 pioneers who either trekked across the prairies from the east or worked their way up the Saskatchewan River by boat.
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