charge conjugation

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Related to charge conjugation: Charge Parity

charge conjugation

n. Symbol C
1. A mathematical operator that changes the sign of the charge and of the magnetic moment of every particle in the system to which it is applied.
2. The theoretical conversion of matter to antimatter or of antimatter to matter.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In order to check the CPT invariance [52] for the dual MHD field equations of dyonic cold plasma, we may write the charge conjugation matrix (C) to the case of quaternionic dual-current sources and hydroelectromagnetic fields of dyonic fluid as [mathematical expression not reproducible], where the charge conjugation transformation plays as
The forth component of quaternionic sources can also be transformed for charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal as the following ways:
The charge conjugation operator C from the quantum theory is an operator that changes particles into antiparticles, and visa versa [2, p.
If it is assumed that the charge conjugation operator C' applies only to free-particle charges, then from (2) and (3)
The antisymmetric operators [U.sup.AB] = -[U.sup.BA] and [V.sup.AB] = -[V.sup.BA] are central charges, and matrices [xi], [zeta] that have to satisfy ([[xi].sub.j] + i[[zeta].sub.j]) = -[([[xi].sub.j] + i[[xeta].sub.j]).sup.[dagger]] [[sigma].sup.[mu]v] are Lorentz generators for a bispinor, [[gamma].sup.[mu]] are Dirac matrices, and C is charge conjugation matrix.
According to well known theoretical conjectures, supported by experimental observations, the combined charge conjugation and parity symmetry (CP) and time reversal symmetry (I) are closely related by the CPI-theorem.
After Lee and Yang had shown that parity was not conserved in the weak interaction (see 1956), parity was combined with a particle characteristic called charge conjugation (which told whether the particle in question was an ordinary particle or an antiparticle) with the idea that if parity was unbalanced in one direction in a particular particle, charge conjugation would be unbalanced in the other, and the two together would be conserved.
Now, the charge conjugation operation, [??], is applied to the fields of the second generation keeping the first generation of H-quarks unchanged:
The aim of Romalis' project, "A Test of CPT Symmetry Using a New [K-.sup.3] He Self-Compensating Magnetometer," is to perform a high-precision test of combined charge conjugation, parity inversion, and time reversal (CPT) invariance and local Lorentz invariance by comparing the Larmor precession frequencies of potassium (K) and helium 3 ([He.sup.3]) atoms in the same cell as a function of time, i.e., the daily rotation of the Earth about its axis and the movement of the Earth relative to the cosmic microwave background radiation.
The combination was called C-P (charge conjugation and parity), so scientists decided there was a law of C-P conservation.