charge carrier

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charge carrier

(General Physics) an electron, hole, or ion that transports the electric charge in an electric current
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References in periodicals archive ?
The electrical sheet resistance, DC conductivity, Hall mobility and charge carrier concentration of the PEDOT:PSS film were measured using van der Pauw method [60].
(i) In the region ~300-200 K: charge carrier motion through the n-Si with an employment of metallic clusters in pores being in a contact with the semiconductor, by means of the overbarrier emission of electrons from higher energy levels of Si conduction band
Furthermore, this is the achievable conductivity for such systems when the entire charge carrier density participates are very high [6].
There's also a lithium-ion battery in the luggage compartment which acts as an energy accumulator with a 10 Ah charge carrier capacity and a 48-volt system.
There's also a lithium-ion battery in the luggage compartment, which acts as an energy accumulator with a 10 Ah charge carrier capacity and a 48-volt system.
(i) Fast free charge carrier transport of high-molecular weight P3HT.
The A.C electrical conductivity is increased with the increasing of silver nanoparticles concentration; this is related to the hopping of charge carrier conduction mechanism [10.11].
The ionic conductivity depends on numerous factors, such as types of charge carrier (cation/anion), salt composition and temperature [10].
Clearly the contribution of [D.sup.[section]] to the actual diffusion coefficient [D.sup.eff] is due to the kind and strength of interaction of the charge carrier with the lattice; thus [D.sup.eff], and not the plain D, has physical valence to determine the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte during the operation conditions of the cell: the electron in the lattice is not a bare free particle, but a quasi-particle upon which depends in particular its conductivity.