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a.1.(Mus.) Composed in a melodious and singing style.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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I expect I look as if I came from a cafe chantant and have had some adventure on the way.
In spite of its cafes chantants and its omnibuses, Moscow was yet a stagnant bog.
In London nothing interested her but the theatres and the shops; and she found the theatres less exciting than the Paris cafes chantants where, under the blossoming horse-chestnuts of the Champs Elysees, she had had the novel experience of looking down from the restaurant terrace on an audience of "cocottes," and having her husband interpret to her as much of the songs as he thought suitable for bridal ears.
De jeunes lyceens, chantant et dansant dans des uniformes scolaires emiettes et denudant, pour feter le passage de l'examen d'Etat, n'en finissaient pas vendredi encore de soulever des vagues dans l'opinion, divisee entre ceux qui y voient un recul de l'education et d'autres plus tolerants, d'un A qui n'a ete amplifie que grace aux nouveaux medias sociaux en vogue au Burundi.
Parmi les evenements qui l'ont tant marque dans sa jeunesse, en l'occurrence ''La Marche Verte'', Abdelleah Yacoubi dit a ce propos : [beaucoup moins que]La Marche Verte; Marche par la foi; Marche dans la joie; Envolee des coeurs; Symbiose d'un peuple glorieux; Avec les hauteurs ; Avec les cieux; Nation chantant en choeur; L'hymne du passe prestigieux; L'hymne du futur radieux[beaucoup plus grand que].
The blues legend (a truculent diva, at least by reputation) was invited to perform; Antenor, a much smaller celebrity, was the Brazilian consul in the city and known locally as ' le consul chantant ', the singing consul.
A junior five-a-side football tournament at Galabank will be on June 24; Cafe Chantant in Victoria Hall on June 25; and senior seven-a-side on June 26; followed by the boundary walk from Brydekirk to Annan, led by the principals, on June 27, and a ladies game night at the Blue Bell Inn.
Cette determination de continuer la lutte a ete illustree de maniere eclatante par ce quartet d'octogenaires, faisant rang en se tenant par la main, qui a pris la tete de la manifestation en chantant [beaucoup moins que]nous marcherons jusque ce que tombe le gang[beaucoup plus grand que].
Les nazis allemands, en arborant des drapeaux, en chantant des chansons et des slogans au son de la musique de leurs temps, pronaient la superiorite d'une race arienne, laquelle ne voulait pas se melanger avec d'autres races differentes de la sienne.
Then why not round off the week at 7pm on Sunday, May 6, when Bill Brookman and Company host a 'Cafe Chantant' at The Hop Loft, upstairs at Loughborough's Swan In The Rushes pub.