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(ʃæmˈpeɪn; French ʃɑ̃pɛɲ)
(Biography) Philippe de (filip də). 1602–74, French painter, born in Brussels: noted particularly for his portraits and historical and religious scenes
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'The huge flamboyant canvases which are finally now on display, the works of Bourdon, Jouvenet and Champaigne, for example, are cramped beneath the cornices [...] The La Tours, the Le Nains and the Poussins are so tightly packed together that they lose some of their individual lyricism.'
In the 17th century, Philippe de Champaigne did his own version.
Champaigne, "Influence of bolt-grout bonding on MCBconebolt performance," International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol.
Why Philippe de Champaigne, given a similarly utilitarian commission, should have represented Cardinal de Richelieu's bust at a slight angle, and then in two identical specular profiles, is not clear.
(15.) Brandon, E.J., Vozoff, M., Kolawa, E.A., Studor, G.F., Lyons, F., Keller, M.W., Beiermann, B., White, S.R., Sottos, N.R., Curry, M.A., Banks, D.L., Brocato, R., Zhou, L., Jung, S., Jackson, IN., and Champaigne, K., "Structural Health Management Technologies for Inflatable/Deployable Structures: Integrating Sensing and Self-Healing," Acta Astronautica, 68,883-903 (2011).
In the past, students had been able to access pop-up shops, stocked with donations from faculty, twice a year, said Rhaili Champaigne, president of the Students' Administrative Council (SAC).
AGE: 52 FROM: Holmfirth WHO IS YOUR ROLE MODEL: My mum - she is a truly awesome person woman WHAT THINGS DON'T YOU LIKE: Nuisance calls WHAT IS YOUR SUPER POWER: Being creatively messy WHAT IS YOUR THEME TUNE: Give me everything - Pitbull featuring Ne-yo IF YOU WERE A DRINK WHAT WOULD YOU BE: Champaigne cocktail WHAT WAS THE LAST PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU BOUGHT?
Having both Violetta and Alfredo jump on the table during the Brindisi looked odd, and for the waiters to brandish the champaigne so extravagantly was implausible for Paris in any epoch.
Historians often recognize two distinguished painters, Sandro Botticelli (15th century) and Philippe de Champaigne (17th century), for their artistic interpretations of Saint Augustine as a European intellectual.