

(Agriculture) a machine used to chop up hay and straw to make it into chaff for feeding to cattle
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If the chaff-cutter had the making of us, we should all be straw, I reckon.
Surgeons at Kenyatta National Hospital have successfully reattached a 17-year-old boy's hand severed by a chaff-cutter.
EcORUM (CyHAN)- A man, who was working in a farm located in central Turkish province of Ecorum, lost his life dreadfully when he choked by chaff-cutter on Wednesday.
The incident took place in a farm located in Hasandey-i Village in yskilip district when Dursun Bozkurt (46), a worker in a farm, began screaming when his arm compressed by the chaff-cutter. As his arm was compressed by the machine, he requested help from his friends but he fully chocked by the cuff-cutter when swallowed by the machine.
Torri'r blaenau meddal, y twf ifanc, cyn iddo galedu, wedyn eu malu yn yr injan falu - y chaff-cutter.
Over the years it has also powered a saw bench, a machine that chopped swedes (rutabaga) for the pigs, a chaff-cutter and a corn crusher.
In between there was a chaff-cutter for making chaff of the hay, and a slicer for cutting up mangel-wurzels for the cow.
He uses the plant to produce biogas rich in lignocellulose, the main raw material for the production of biofuels and biochemical.The process involves anaerobic fermentation of cacti biomass where the entire plant is crushed using the ordinary chaff-cutter until it becomes a thick paste.
Every farmer needs machines that make work easier, which include chaff-cutters, planters, balers, rippers and tractors.For the small farmer, the major challenge when it comes to acquiring these machines is usually the cost, which many find prohibitive.
Biogas is generally a clean and environmental friendly renewable fuel, which can be used to run engines like chaff-cutters, generation of electricity, for cooking and heating hot water systems and even refrigeration.