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Related to Chaetodontidae: butterflyfish
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Chaetodontidae - butterfly fishesChaetodontidae - butterfly fishes      
fish family - any of various families of fish
order Perciformes, order Percomorphi, Perciformes, Percomorphi - one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna
butterfly fish - small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies with large broad fins; found worldwide
genus Chaetodon - type genus of the Chaetodontidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
Pelagic larval duration is similar across 23[degrees] of latitude for two species of butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) in eastern Australia.
Rapid evolutionary rate as reported in CR of Chaetodontidae [10] may result in an excess of homoplasic mutations ~ mutations that reached a "ceiling" Because no transition or transversion saturation was detected in M.
Further families including mucoid reef fish are the Chaetodontidae (predominant feeding mode), Tetraodontidae, Balistidae, Monacanthidae, Pomacentridae and Scaridae [45].
Trade-offs associated with dietary specialization in corallivorous butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae: Chaetodon).
Also his studies on fishes of the family Chaetodontidae were of great importance, from material mostly collected during the expeditions of the "Uranie", "Challenger", "Albatross", "Galathea", and "Noona Dan".
Perciformes (continued) families: Chaetodontidae, Toxotidae, Monodactylidae, Pempheridae, Kyphopsidae, Lutjanidae, Lobotidae, Sparidae, Nandidae, Sciaenidae, Malacanthidae, Cepolidae.
The two most important groups of coral-eating fish are the Scaridae, parrotfish, and the Chaetodontidae, butterfly fish.
Chubs V Sn Chaetodontidae Chaetodon aculeatus Longsnout butterflyfish V D Chaetodon sedentarius Reef butterflyfish V Pomacanthidae Holacanthus tricolor Rock beauty V Pomacanthus arcuatus Gray angelfish V Pomacentridae Pomacentridae Damselfishes V Chromis sp.
We grouped the other fishes (Acanthuridae, Monacanthidae, Chaetodontidae, Mullidae, Scaridae, and the labrids Epibelus insidiator, Gomphosis varius, and Coris gaimard) together because they were not observed to actively search for, and raid, nests, although they would consume embryos if they discovered a nest.