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a toxic alkaloid substance found in potatoes
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Tubers may contain toxic alkaloids as solanine and chaconine. Formation of solanine in tubers is indicated by greenish discoloration with sprouts on potato skin.
([dagger]) Other agents implicated were tetrodotoxin (3 outbreaks) and Campylobacter, chaconine, Paragonimus, other virus, sulfite, and Trichinella (1 outbreak each).
However, the cultivated potato contains low glycoalkaloid levels, typically only solanine and chaconine, suggesting these bitter compounds were selected against during domestication (Johns & Alonso, 1990).
Synergistic interaction between potato glycoalkaloids a-solanine and a- chaconine in relation to destabilization of cell membranes: Ecological implications.
Chaconine and solanine, glycoalkaloids normally present in potatoes, also were detected.
The nutritional value of potato protein depends on the level of glycoalkaloids such as solanine and chaconine and their secondary metabolites (Friedman, 1996).
TAKE CARE: Potatoes which have gone green contain SOLANINE and CHACONINE which are poisonous and can cause migraine and drowsiness.