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an infection or inflammation of the brain
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Patients who are rapidly decompensating may warrant corticosteroid therapy in order to reduce the life-threatening effects of vasogenic edema, this approach is controversial given the risk that steroids can worsen inflammation, prevent abscess formation during cerebritis stage, exacerbate necrosis, and increase the risk of ventricular rupture.
One patient underwent modified radical mastoidectomy only, since he had cholesteatoma with early cerebritis. Success of the treatment was monitored through clinical signs & symptoms and CT scanning at 1st, 4th week and 3rd month.
The formation of brain abscess progress through several well defined stages from early cerebritis to late capsule formation.
Other includes intra-abdominal abscess, supraclavicular lymphadenitis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and subacute fungal cerebritis with meningoencephalitis.
It also has been reported that it may lead to various problems such as infection (eg meningitis, cerebritis, peritonitis), excessive drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and rarely subdural hematoma (SDH) (3-6).
Con la evaluacion de las imagenes tomadas se determino disfuncion hemisferica, por lo que se decide la toma de un nuevo TAC (figura 2d) comparativo y descartar infarto venoso, compromiso ictal o cerebritis asociada a la coleccion.
The possible aetiologies entertained in view of her comorbid type 1 diabetes were infective (early abscess and cerebritis), a connective tissue disorder with associated vasculitis or a haemorrhage.
Infection--Second Most Common Cause Diagnosis Frequency Percent Bacterial meningitis 10 18 Tubercular meningitis 22 39.5 Neurocysticercosis 4 7 Encephalitis 10 18 Brain abscess 4 7 Brain abscess with CVT 2 3.5 Osteomyelitis, Epidural abscess, cerebritis 4 7 Total 56 100 Table 9.
Patients were excluded if they were unwilling to participate in the study, if their diagnosis of SAH was confirmed in a CT scan but they didn't have the indications for surgical operation, their clinical manifestations of SAH were persistent for longer than 2 weeks, and their elevated CSF LDH level had another cause, such as infectious diseases (meningoencephalitis), malignancies, inflammatory diseases (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus cerebritis), or cerebrovascular thrombosis.