

a.1.(Zool.) Belonging to, or resembling, the cephalopods.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He's words plus Robertson's uncanny awk, drummer Levon Helm's cephalopodic clatter, the thin wild mercury of his voice.
He does, however, live at the bottom of the ocean, in a giant pineapple in the community of Bikini Bottom, hangs around with his dullard friend, Patrick (a starfish), and constantly annoys his cranky cephalopodic neighbor, Squidward.
"Their voracious appetite for bird plumes having exhausted all the worthy species of that family, the fashionistas moved on to cephalopodic accoutrements during the early 20th Century.
7-23) by the late Richard Maxwell, points out that in the decades immediately preceding "The Kraken," "polypi" could designate cephalopodic animals such as the squid or octopi or tiny sea creatures that, like plants, multiplied when cut in two.
The most vegetative of cephalopodic monsters, he is the ultimate example of a charismatic hybrid: squid as coral, polypus as ...
Emerging from the shadows, the Kraken is less like a coral; functioning, now, at a desperately rapid rate, he seems to be gaining a proper squid body and a proper cephalopodic set of instincts.
Oliver Wendell Holmes's "The Chambered Nautilus" (1858)--another renowned excursion into cephalopodic lyricism-presents the nautilus's step-by-step construction of its shell as an inspirational example: "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul." But where Holmes's poem celebrates incrementalism, "The Kraken" rejects it altogether.
But Verne is obsessed with cephalopodic lore from his opening chapter onwards.
But memory never died, and high priests said that the city would rise again when the stars were right." (38) Cthulhu is an enormous cephalopodic creature, with dragon wings and a squidlike, tentacle-bearing head, waiting under the sea for his moment to rise once more and lead the other Old Ones, a band of unnumbered polypi, also slumbering within their appointed grottoes, in a cataclysmic sacking of the earth.