catch crop

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Related to catch crop: cash crop, cover crop

catch crop

(Agriculture) a quick-growing crop planted between two regular crops grown in consecutive seasons, or between two rows of regular crops in the same season
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.catch crop - a crop that grows quickly (e.g. lettuce) and can be planted between two regular crops grown in successive seasons or between two rows of crops in the same season
crop - a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
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You can do this with peas or parsnips as slow growers, and speedy salad crops such as spinach or radishes sown on top as a catch crop, ready in as little as three weeks.
Lettuce can often be grown between rows of slower-growing vegetables or as a catch crop on ground before or after another crop.
A catch crop is one that matures before the ground is occupied by another crop - radish is the one with which we are most familiar.
Salad vegetables of all kinds are the perfect catch crop, and you should be able to get two or more pickings of lettuce, radishes, rocket and spring onions from between the rows of slow veg.
This can also be sown now to provide a late autumn catch crop of caulis.
The best catch crop is the radish, which can be harvested within a month.
It can be a catch crop planted primarily to fill a void in time or capture nutrients that might otherwise be lost.
Decision C(2007)6654) grants the Flemish Region the authorisation to spread breeding effluents up to a limit of 250 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year on pieces of land used as meadows or planted with corn with grass seeds before or after harvest, and up to a limit of 200 kg of nitrogen/ha/year on pieces of land planted with wheat in the winter followed by a catch crop and a beet crop.
"We keep the stores on grass, but we also do a catch crop of stubble turnips on ground that's going to be maize the following year.
As green manure crops grown as a cover or catch crop which results in utilization of excess fertilizer and minimize loss by leaching
2Clear away early crops such as potatoes, peas and broad beans and make catch crop sowings of beetroot, lettuce and short horn carrots.