carry permit

car′ry per`mit

a license to carry a handgun on one's person.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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I have a concealed carry permit and I want to keep it that way--concealed.
For that matter, collecting data about these shootings might stimulate improvements in the training requirements for all concealed carry permit -- and possibly more of it.
But if national reciprocity won't "impose gun control restrictions of any kind," what was the reason given for defeating legislation in my own state of Nevada this spring to remove those who legally use marijuana--especially those who use the plant for medical reasons on a doctor's recommendation--from the list of those prohibited from buying a firearm or obtaining a concealed carry permit?
"I have been a concealed carry permit holder for a while now after being robbed at gunpoint in 2014, and I take gun safety very seriously.
Shortly after, he decided to get a concealed carry permit. The next robbery attempt was in a parking lot near his office, but that time Dodson displayed his weapon and the suspect ran away.
YOU HAVE YOUR CONCEALED carry permit, bought a pistol, and decided which tactical loads work best.
Whitley of the Institute for Defense Analyses published Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States, a paper reporting on the impact of the increased number of issued carry permits.
For example, Hawaii - which requires a permit to buy a gun, requires background checks on all gun purchases, requires handguns to be registered, has no "stand your ground" law, makes it difficult to obtain a concealed carry or open carry permit and has a 14-day waiting period for obtaining a handgun - had 2.6 gun-related deaths per 100,000 population in 2013.
The school board approved Hahn's weapon, so long as he keeps his concealed carry permit up to date and undergoes training.
It said some 90 percent of carry permit applications in the provinces have also been turned away.
To New Yorkers who want a concealed carry permit, yes.