carpool lane

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carpool lane

(Civil Engineering) US a lane of a major road or motorway that is reserved for vehicles with a minimum number of passengers, designed to encourage carpooling
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"Does this mean I'm allowed to drive in the carpool lane at all times now?" Mitchell captioned the photo.
Whether it be justice (ask OJ), citizenship, or driving solo in a carpool lane, nothing is off limits.
Recto suggested designating a carpool lane along EDSA for the exclusive use of vehicles with two or more passengers.
During the chase, the suspect broke several traffic laws, including using the shoulder on the freeway and the carpool lane to go around traffic.
In the segment that aired early Thursday, Stefani and Corden take on a few of the former No Doubt singer's classics before pulling over their SUV under the guise of needing a few more passengers to travel in a carpool lane. Corden calls up Clooney, who shows up and dials Roberts.
She sped up through the carpool lane in her red Focus station wagon and rammed the car in front of her.
The improvements included constructing two direct carpool connectors and the addition of a second carpool lane in each direction on the I-405 between SR-22 and I-605.
"Environmental justice" is the green twin of social justice, and professors of environmental justice are popping up faster than hybrid cars in a California carpool lane. Once upon a time environmental justice focused on recondite concerns about whether trees could somehow have legal standing, but today's environmental justice community is completely untethered from any practical reality beyond hanging the Koch brothers.
State Trooper John Carnell was working a paid detail on Thursday morning when he saw a vehicle enter the carpool lane on Interstate 93 north with a suspicious looking passenger.
I told him he should take it on drives so be could use the carpool lane.
Spark EV owners in California are also eligible for High-Occupancy Vehicle, or carpool lane, access.