Carmelite order

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Related to Carmelite order: Benedictine order
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Noun1.Carmelite order - a Roman Catholic mendicant order founded in the 12th century
monastic order, order - a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
Carmelite, White Friar - a Roman Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order; mendicant preachers
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Teresa in the reformation of the Carmelite Order, and together, they founded the Discalced Carmelites in 1568, a religious order devoted to the service of the Blessed Mother through prayer, solitude, humility, and penance.
Historians explore the history of the Carmelite Order during the Middle Ages, focusing on its struggle to find an identity either as an eremetical organization or a mendicant order.
Claire House signed a deal with the Carmelite Order of Nuns, who wanted to leave the monastery to a good cause.
Whitefriars Monastery (Grade 1/ Scheduled Monument) The building that remains today is the eastern part of the cloister of a once large monastery founded in 1342 for the Carmelite order.
She reformed the Carmelite order with the help of St.
Popularly known as "The Little Flower," the nun of the Carmelite order achieved a worldwide following with the publication after her death of "The Story of a Soul," a collection of her thoughts on faith and simplicity.
He noted that Echo Park Films has secured the rights to the "A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary," the recently released biography about Sister Lucia Santos, the oldest of the three children, written by Sister Lucia's Carmelite Order in Coimbra, Portugal.
She was a reformer of the Carmelite Order and is considered to be a founder of the Discalced Carmelites along with John of the Cross.
She is said to have received the "stigmata" - bleeding wounds like those that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross - and died at the age of 33 in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, where she founded a Carmelite order monastery that still exists.
She sensed the voice of God calling her to a life of spirituality, joined the Carmelite Order in France and dedicated her life to the Lord, who lavished upon her spiritual gifts and blessings.
John of the Cross was imprisoned for his efforts to reform the Carmelite order, but he escaped his captivity in Toledo, Spain.