cardan joint

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Related to cardan joint: U-joint

cardan joint

(General Engineering) engineering a type of universal joint in a shaft that enables it to rotate when out of alignment
[C20: named after Geronimo Cardan (1501–76), Italian mathematician]
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Caption: FIGURE 3: The universal cardan joint and guide rail.
The recall notice says the driveshaft may separate and cause the axle to lock if a double Cardan joint seizes up.
Each of the three identical closed-loop chains of the manipulator consists of serial kinematic chains: universal cardan joint (U), prismatic joint (P), formed by a rodless pneumatic cylinder and two revolute joints (2R) formed after universal cardan had been parted.
For M939A2s, if the outside diameter measures approximately 2.44 inches (and no less), your truck has the Cardan joint internal axle, also known as the U-joint style internal axle.
The automaker is to replace the right axle shafts of those models manufactured between February 4 and February 19, 2009, if the constant velocity cardan joint comes out and makes the car undriveable.
It places the Cardan joint at the center of the yoke before roll staking the snap rings in place.
load capacity, all of which are exposed Cardan joint designs developed for use on-highway, as well as occasional off-highway and rough terrain applications.