card vote

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card vote

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit a vote by delegates, esp at a trade-union conference, in which each delegate's vote counts as a vote by all his or her constituents
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

card vote

n (Brit) → voto (palese) per delega
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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The amendment, which was lost following a full card vote of delegates, also set out four key demands - an end to performance-related pay, a pension age of 60 for teachers, a PS2,000 pay rise for all teachers and a "significant" reduction in working hours.
But after the public got behind him he won a wild card vote into the North England and Scotland area finals this weekend in Dewsbury.
KNOWN FOR: His crippling nerves, getting the public's wild card vote and Tulisa's charge that he is cheesier than Stilton.
Unlike in parliament, where a record is kept of howMPs vote on every issue, no data is kept on how individual councillors vote unless a card vote is requested.
Those who came along to Ponteland's Memorial Hall were asked to indicate their preference in a card vote, with 77% supporting the package of measures put forward by MKP.
A leadership election in Government can only be held if requested by a majority of party conference on a card vote, only Labour MPs can trigger the process and the NEC is confident most MPs know their responsibilities under the rules."
A card vote last night will be announced later today but it is understood delegates supported the call by around 60per cent to 40per cent.
They require 20% of the parliamentary party, 72 MPs, to demand a contest and that must be backed by a card vote at Labour's annual conference.
Part of the Donald dynasty that led the club to its glory years, he had to rely on a proxy card vote to avoid a humiliating exit.
Part of the Donald dynasty which led the club to its glory years, the director had to rely on a proxy card vote to avoid a humiliating exit.
Delegates voted on a show of hands unanimously in favour of a strike ballot and again in a card vote showing 51,849 supporting a ballot and none against.
Chair of the meeting also reminded the Chamber that the investigation into Cllr Woodhouse's behaviour was a Labour Party one, not a council one, and refused the opposition a card vote on the matter.

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