card catalogue

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card catalogue

(Library Science & Bibliography) a catalogue of books, papers, etc, filed on cards
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.card catalogue - a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file cardcard catalogue - a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file card
library catalog, library catalogue - an enumeration of all the resources of a library
2.card catalogue - an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
file cabinet, filing cabinet, file - office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
Rolodex - (trademark) a desktop rotary card index with removable cards; usually used for names, addresses, and telephone numbers; "a news reporter has to have a good Rolodex"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Traditionally, manual information retrieval system was used in most libraries to identify and locate available materials by checking card catalogue. Woods (1986) argues that in manual system, all cards had to be drafted, checked, typed, proofread, corrected, sorted, filed and the filling checked.
When I was a student, we had to deal with physical books in a library, and search for the ones we needed using a card catalogue. My students search for books online, sometimes without even being physically in a library.
Among her many achievements at Eastman, she planned and supervised the construction of a sumptuous yet highly functional new building, obtained grants for the electronic conversion of its huge card catalogue, and organized a major music preservation program.
It is pertinent to note here that US mission has awarded a grant of $ 30,000 which were spent on procurement of four computers, two scanners, two printers, internet connection, generator, library software, two card catalogue cabinets and also constructed a wooden picture gallery furnished with precious historical photos since 1877.
In 2008 the original card catalogue was transcribed to an Access database (more recently converted in SQL format to enable an easier web consultation in the future), adding some more information to the original contents of the cards to allow a better search.
Today the holly berries are just beginning to turn red and the first Christmas card catalogue arrived.
Although it surpasses the card catalogue as the main entry point for research projects, it poses particular problems for students such as finding needed information, evaluating the information, and distinguishing the work from others' work and their own (Gillard, C.
But they weren't entered into any card catalogue, so how do you find out what is available?
Initially the team concentrated on serial titles listed in the Library's divided card catalogue, which comprised titles catalogued or recatalogued between 1967 and 1981.
Eleni was eager for the card catalogue, she started "And you?"
In one of the Norton's galleries, two photographs representing the Hamburg and Maastricht university libraries, respectively, were hung on neighboring walls: Hamburg's hulking card catalogue, looking like a set of abandoned boxcars in the library's classically appointed skylighted atrium, seemed to mock the postmodern pretensions of its recently completed Dutch counterpart, as if to suggest that the latter's elaborate skeletal structure and miles of shelves would soon appear just as outmoded, victim of an age of electronically stored and accessed information in which students barely know how to locate a book.
The library records of these and numerous other titles were entered in the university's old classified catalogue that, beginning in 1501, had reached 301 handwritten folio volumes when the university, in 1940, moved to a card catalogue.