camera tube

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camera tube

(Electronics) the part of a television camera that converts an optical image into an electrical signal. See also image orthicon, vidicon, Plumbicon, iconoscope
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But Lubcke preferred the "Immy" - the nickname for the image-orthicon camera tube that is instrumental in the technical development of television.
On September 7, 1927, inventor Philo Farnsworth lugged his image dissector camera tube into another room in his San Francisco lab and then invited perspective investors to witness the operation of the world's first allelectronic television set.
He was anaesthetised and a camera tube inserted in his lung to see how bad the cancer was.
Dr Tariq threaded a camera tube down Mr Kirchen's throat and into his left lung while he was anaesthetised, and found a black lump.
Digital fluoroscopy systems have an x-ray tube and generator, image intensifier, CCD camera or TV camera tube, an analog-to-digital converter, a computer system, an operator's console and a laser camera or printer.
"Ike" Eisenhower, ATAS member Harry Lubcke of the Society of Television Engineers came up with "Immy," a term used for the early image orthicon camera tube, which was later modified to "Emmy."