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vix prece finita torpor gravis occupat artus, mollia cinguntur tenui praecordia libro, in frondem crines, in ramos bracchia crescunt, pes modo tam velox pigris radicibus haeret, ora cacumen habet: remanet nitor unus in ilia.
At 90[degrees]C, Cacumen platycladi is reported to synthesize very small PtNPs varying in a range of 2.4 [+ or -] 0.8 nm [37, 38].
Liu, "Deep eutectic solvents as green media for extraction of flavonoid glycosides and aglycones from Platycladi Cacumen," Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol.
A later deictic remark again stresses that Argus is now standing in "this high watch-tower." (20) Again, it is impossible to tell from the intradiegetic references how Heywood envisages the location as being represented on the stage, but in this respect Heywood follows faithfully the detail of Ovid, who has Argus take up a position on a sublime cacumen, a high summit (1.666).
En Bustos Domecq y Suarez Lynch aparecen diversas variantes para el sustantivo "cabeza": la pensadora; el cacumen; la testoni; debajo de la peluca; el mate; el marote; la caja craneana; el coco; la encefalica; entre la caspa y el cogote; el testuz; la piojosa; los sesos; la razon social A.
quantus erat, mons factus Atlas: nam barba comaeque in silvas abeunt, iuga sunt umerique manusque, quod caput ante fuit, summo est in monte cacumen, ossa lapis fiunt.