

relating to broadcasting by cable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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intrastate broadcasting and cablecasting still fall within the
The deal came together in earnest inside of two weeks, with negotiations going on even as Roberts attended the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, which NBCU is broadcasting, cablecasting and streaming.
The news media generally have become so obsessed with publishing, broadcasting or cablecasting the verbal missteps of celebrities and political figures that one begins to wonder what important news is being missed.
The Sterling-Lancaster Community Television (SLCT) began cablecasting meetings of the Lancaster Board of Selectmen.
To VideoAge, television is more than an industry; it is a universe of stars (vice-presidents) superstars (CEOs) and quasars (chairmen) from the worlds of politics, regulations, sociology, psychology, finance, production, distribution, ratings, broadcasting, cablecasting, satellite, IPTV, piracy, new technology, etc.
It acknowledged, however, that there was a need to improve OSC policies relating to such transactions (Re Cablecasting Ltd., [1978] O.S.C.
Dash, once the marketing director for Digital Music Express (DME), a division of International Cablecasting Technologies states, "I started the company out of concern that general market companies would not take risks in marketing and financing technology services to the minority community."
The purpose of cablecasting city council meetings is to improve communication with the community.
In addition, the project team met with PTA groups and produced a project documentary for cablecasting and school use.
Broadcast Publications, Inc., Broadcasting & Cablecasting Yearbook 1987, Broadcast Publications, Inc., Washington, D.C.
The same fear of monopoly, this time for cable TV stations, led Congress two years ago to impose the "must carry" rule to assure the survival of over-the-air TV in an era increasingly dominated by cablecasting. Several platoons of lawyers urged the court to treat cable TV differently from newspapers.