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a Brazilian semi-arid scrub forest
[C19: from Tupi ka’a tinga white forest]
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A contiguous area of 20 years secondary native vegetation (Caatinga), 200 m from the experimental areas was used as reference.
A Caatinga, com sua enorme extensao, pluralidade de solos, diversidade de condicoes de disponibilidade de agua, ambientes muito distintos e uma gama de restricoes ao crescimento, tem diversidade floristica alta e com quantidade significativa de especies adaptadas a periodos de seca (GARIGLIO et al., 2010).
Although it plays a fundamental role in an ecosystem, the soil biota has hardly been investigated in some neotropical ecosystems, such as the Caatinga and the Atlantic Forest (Silva et al., 1999; Souto et al., 2008; Araujo et al., 2010).
A caatinga, vegetacao caducifolia espinhosa predominante na regiao Semiarida, e constituida especialmente de arvores e arbustos de pequeno porte que passam por pelo menos seis meses de estiagem ao ano (DRUMOND, 2012), permanecendo verde durante o periodo chuvoso e perdendo suas folhas a medida que se acentua o periodo de estiagem (PIMENTEL, 2012).
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the initial growth of four forest species, three native to the Caatinga and one exotic, under conditions of salinity and water deficit.
Among the actions that can be adopted for rationally exploiting natural resources of the Caatinga is sustainable forest management (FM), which is a set of interventions carried out in a forest area aiming sustainable production from the economic, environmental and social points of view (MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT-MINISTERIO DO MEIO AMBIENTE - MMA, 2008).
The river's watershed reaches 521 cities across six states Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goias, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Alagoas and three biomes (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga).
The study area is located in the caatinga biome, and the predominant vegetation is the semi-arid tropophile (loss of leafs in drought conditions and/or high humidity) with physiognomic aspects of caatinga vegetation (Lima, 2012), with deciduous species, which lose their leaves during the dry season that occurs from June to January (Silva et al., 2011).
Nos ultimos 30 anos um crescente interesse pela Caatinga tem aumentado a diversidade de mamiferos conhecida, que hoje conta com 155 especies, um aumento de 48% nesse periodo (Mares et al.